February 27, 2013
It has been brought to our attention that persons alleging to be from RTA Investigations have been making unsolicited phone calls directing home owners to this site to validate the substance of their calls.
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February 28, 2013
It has also been brought to our attention
that same persons are falsely alleging that RTA Investigations act on behalf of
HM Government with regard to victim compensation ..

RTA Investigations Waddington Fold Rochdale OL16 4QB
01706 861 391
Fax: 01706 861 391
Mob: 07941371397

The vast experience of the RTA-Investigations team enables us to investigate and report competently upon the whole range of incidents which can arise from the use of motor vehicles. No investigation is too small
RTA-Investigations can offer the following:
Interviewing witnesses and obtaining statements
Supplying plans and photographs
Locus Reports incorporating plans and photographs
Checking Prosecution evidence and advising thereon
Process Serving
These are but a few of our services.
Whether it be obtaining statements, examining instances of 'staged accidents', examining accidents involving police pursuits, or even a full accident reconstruction, the same high standards are applied by our company
RTA-Investigations expertise covers the whole range of Road Traffic legislation.
- Neil L Longsden BA MIPI MIAATI